Science and Psychology old

Science and Psychology

Attend in person or live online

Date: This event has now passed
Location: Friends House, London & Online
Time: 9am in person registration
9.30am online registration
10-4pm event

Date: This event has now passed
Location: St Michaels, Bristol
Time: 9am registration
10-4pm event

Research methods and science account for more than 25% of A level psychology marks – this conference aims to motivate and enthuse students about these topics. This conference looks at the importance of science to psychology, applying it to dance, magic and hypnotism

Event Programme

10.30 – 10.40 Introduction
10.45 – 11.05 Cara Flanagan: Science – what’s the point?
11.10 – 11.30 Mike Cardwell: Bad Science
11.35 – 12.05 Dr Chantell Douglas
12.10 – 12.45 Dr Lucie Clements: Dancing – Science and performance
13.45 – 14.20 Oliver Meech: Magic – it’s all about psychology
14.25 – 14.50 Demonstrations by Mike and Oliver – Lots of audience participation in demonstrations and experiments
15.00 – 16.00 Andrew Newton: Hypnosis – is it real?*

*Programme subject to change

If you can’t join us in person, why not join us online instead? Use your personal log in to ask questions and engage with polls and content during this live event.

Meet our speakers

Andrew Norton

Andrew Newton: Hypnosis – is it real?

For many people hypnosis is viewed as anything but scientific. However, the job of science is to provide evidence-based explanations for observable phenomena.

The lecture will include a demonstration of hypnosis, during which you can observe what happens and ask questions afterwards to try to understand what is actually happening.

Andrew is one of the world’s leading authorities on hypnosis, addressing audiences in the UK, America, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, India. He is a member of the Royal Society of Medicine and Senior trainer in Hypnosis at Europe’s leading Hypnotherapy training school in Oslo, Norway.

Read more about Andrew Newton

Oliver Meech

Oliver Meech: Magic – it’s all about psychology

The real secret to magic tricks is that they’re not about fooling the eyes, but bamboozling the brain. Every trick is a real-world psychology experiment. Discover how magicians can offer surprising insights into the way we think and act, by exploring questions including:
What is misdirection and why is it often misunderstood?

  • What captures our attention and how does that affect what we see (and don’t see)?
  • How reliable are our memories, and can they be improved?
  • Should we believe our perception of reality?

With enthusiasm, humour and interactive elements, Oliver Meech takes you on an eye-opening tour of our amazing brains.

Oliver studied Psychology at Oxford University and Magic at The Magic Circle, and combines the two in critically-acclaimed shows, talks and books.

Read more about Oliver Meech

Dr. Lucie Clements

Dr Lucie Clements: Dancing – Science and performance

Do you think arts and sciences require different thinking and skills? Many students feel they have to choose between pursuing creative and scientific subjects, but did you know that the same psychological skills and thinking is used in both?

The lecture will include live experiments and dancing, where you can learn how psychologists use dance to understand the mind and behaviour.

Lucie began training in ballet and then went on to study and work in science and psychology. As a psychologist she teaches dancers around the world about the role of science in performance.

Read more about Dr Lucie Clements

Mike Cardwell

Mike Cardwell: Bad Science

We assume that all scientists are honest folk and that we can trust what we read in the scientific journals. However, recent studies have suggested that a worryingly high number of researchers are not quite as trustworthy as we would like to believe. Psychologists, like all scientists, can, on occasion, go ‘rogue’ in their quest for academic fame and fortune.

This talk takes a close look at just how easy it is for researchers in psychology to twist the truth or even deceive us completely when it comes to publishing research and building reputations. We will also look at how the subject has responded to these concerns about academic integrity and is in the process of rebuilding our trust in psychology and psychologists.

Mike has recently retired as a Senior Lecturer Bath Spa University. He is a prolific author of Psychology textbooks and a, former Chief Examiner for AQA Psychology A level.

Read more about Mike Cardwell

Cara Flanagain

Cara Flanagan: Science – what’s the point?

This conference is all about science so it makes sense to start the day with a look at what science is and why it is so important. Science means ‘knowledge’ – it is the process that enables us to establish truths about the world and it is a process invented by humans.

Science is at the core of psychology – the scientific study of behaviour. It is also at the core of your A level exams. Cara will explain why you could actually gain a pass mark in A level Psychology on just research methods marks. So it makes sense to learn to love it – that is, if you don’t already enjoy doing and learning about science and research methods.

Cara is known for her numerous Psychology textbooks – at last count well over 50 of them for the different exam boards and also specialist texts on research methods. She taught for 20 years (maths, computing and psychology) and was a senior examiner for AQA Psychology A level.

Read more about Cara Flanagan here.

Purchase your tickets now or reserve your place

Book or reserve your tickets to this conference by completing the form on the right of this page, or email

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A free teacher place is given for every ten student places booked.

We know that organising this trip will take a lot of coordination, we’re here to make your booking as seamless as possible. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated support team, and one of our friendly support members will be happy to help.

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