AQA Revision Masterclass Online event
AQA Revision Masterclass Online event
1 free teacher place for every 10 students
Date: This event has now passed
Time: 10am – 1pm online webinar
Online registration from 9.30am
Topics to be covered
Secrets of exam success
Short answer AO1 questions
Longer AO1 questions
Mastering quality evaluation
Application questions
Producing A* essays
Maximising marks on research methods
Effective revision
The course will be interactive, including short activities, polls and opportunities for questions.
Meet our speaker

Cara Flanagan is one of the leading authors of Psychology textbooks for A level students and also an experienced conference presenter (and organiser). She taught for 20 years and was a senior examiner, involved in question setting, also for about 20 years.
Purchase your tickets now or reserve your place
Book or reserve your tickets to this conference by completing the form on the right of this page, or email
If your school requires a separate invoice or purchase order, please email
A free teacher place is given for every ten student places booked.
We know that organising this trip will take a lot of coordination, we’re here to make your booking as seamless as possible. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated support team, and one of our friendly support members will be happy to help.